Is Class M planet a real thing?

Earth, Vulcan, Romulus, and Qo'noS are examples of Class M planets. The planet needs an atmosphere of oxygen and nitrogen, should be close to a stable star, and have fertile soil and a generally pleasant climate.

Are Class M planets real?

In the Star Trek fictional universe, habitable Earth-like planets are designated as Class M planets, where M stands for the Vulcan word Minshara. In the real universe such planets would also be known as class M, but for different reasons.

How many Class M planets are there in the universe?

Based upon the number of M-class stars in the galaxy, that alone represents about 10 billion potentially habitable, Earth-like worlds.

What does the M stand for in Class M?

It's worth noting that "M-Class" stands for "Majel Class" and is likely just another tribute to Majel Barrett.

Why is it called an M class planet?

The classification system used by the Federation used single-letter designations such as class M to describe a planet able to support humanoid life for long periods, while the Vulcans used the term "Minshara class" to describe a similar planet.

MogueHeart - Another Class M Planet [SpaceAmbient]

What is an H class planet?

The class H-planet Tau Cygna V. In the Federation standard system of planetary classification, a class H planet or moon was characterized as usually being uninhabitable by Humans, but viable for Sheliak. Such a planetary body could contain an atmosphere consisting of oxygen and argon. (

Is Vulcan a Class M?

In the Star Trek universe, a Class M planet is one habitable by humans and similar life forms. Earth, Vulcan, Romulus, and Qo'noS are examples of Class M planets. The planet needs an atmosphere of oxygen and nitrogen, should be close to a stable star, and have fertile soil and a generally pleasant climate.

What is a class D planet?

In the Federation standard system of planetary classification, a class D planet was characterized as a small, rock-based body, such as an asteroid, moon or other barren, cratered planetoid with little or no atmosphere.

What is a Class L planet?

According to the Star Trek: Star Charts, on page 25, class L planets were "marginal" planets. They had ages that ranged from four to ten billion years and diameters between 10,000 and 15,000 kilometers. Marginal planets were located within the ecosphere of a star system.

Does Earth exist in Star Trek?

In the Star Trek universe, Earth is home to Starfleet Headquarters; the real Earth is, at least so far, the only life-bearing world we know.

What does Minshara mean in Vulcan?

Loosely translated from the fictional Vulcan language, "Minshara" is used as a descriptive adjective meaning "Mentally Defective". Known for their logic, Vulcans also utilize a dry satirical wit within their culture and naming Earth "Minshara Class" within their own early space exploration experiences.

Is Venus a demon class planet?

According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 38; "United Federation of Planets I"), Venus was classified as an N-class planet.

Which other planet is most like Earth?

Venus and Mars are the most like Earth, but in different ways. In terms of size, average density, mass, and surface gravity, Venus is very similar to Earth. But Mars is the planet that is most similar to Earth in other ways.

How many planet do we have?

Our solar system is made up of a star, eight planets, and countless smaller bodies such as dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets.

What is an F class planet?

Class F silicate, in planetary classification, is a type of planet. These rocky, metallic worlds have also been classified as class G geocrystalline planets on other scales, and are possessed of an oxidizing atmosphere. Lifeforms have a difficult time taking hold on these dry worlds. (

Is Andor a planet?

According to Star Trek: Star Charts, Andor was the capital city of Andoria, which was a class M planet. According to Star Trek: Star Charts (pp. 36 & 52; "United Federation of Planets I"), Andor was the eighth planet in the Andoria (Procyon, or Alpha Canis Minoris) system.

What is Earth called in Star Trek?

Star Trek Timeline [INTERACTIVE]

Earth, also known as Sol III or Terra, was the inhabited third planet of the Sol system. Earth was the homeworld of the Humans and the Voth, among others, and was the capital planet of the United Federation of Planets and the home of Starfleet Headquarters from 2161 to 3089.

What are the 4 types of exoplanets?

So far scientists have categorized exoplanets into the following types: Gas giant, Neptunian, super-Earth and terrestrial.

What type of planet is Earth?

Our home planet Earth is a rocky, terrestrial planet. It has a solid and active surface with mountains, valleys, canyons, plains and so much more. Earth is special because it is an ocean planet. Water covers 70% of Earth's surface.

What is an N class planet?

Star Charts mentions reducing planets are located within the "ecosphere" of a star system, with class N planets categorized by a high surface temperature due to greenhouse effect (which causes all water on the planet to exist only as vapor) and an extremely dense atmosphere, comprised of carbon dioxide and sulfides.

What planet class is Mars?

According to Star Trek: Star Charts, (p. 32 and "United Federation of Planets I") Mars (or Sol IV) was classified as a K-class planet.

What class is a habitable planet?

The researchers have identified a new class of habitable planets, dubbed 'Hycean' planets – ocean-covered planets with hydrogen-rich atmospheres – which are more numerous and observable than Earth-like planets.

